The staff of the Aranui were tremendous, welcoming and professional. There were several special evenings and even a Polynesian Breakfast. We would often have a lovely dinner in a harbour, very festive with very little boat motion. These are photos of the Polynesian Banquet.
Some of our Dining room Crew
Tave helped me make purchases in the shop and often helped us tie our pareau on securely. The staff participated in both looking after us and entertaining us. They were all quite talented. Even the men of the Supercargo did a haka for us one evening that was quite amazing.
Tave and friends
Ric dressed for his performance and James ready to show his model boat. Aranui expects everyone to do most of the activities.
Waiting for the entertainmentDancing with NahauWatching the model canoe competitionThe Competitors Model Canoe Comp. We believe the Frenchman in the black pareau was the winner. Most of the boats were rougher and readier than his, but his real secret was naming his boat Nuka Hiva or an island name. Helen won third prize. Good efforts.
Jame’s model canoe was the largest but not a winner, with some other entrants. Winner wasn’t here, but it was quite a looker.
Dancing class lead by the graceful Hanalui, Sandy is in pink. The men dancing are behind us.
Men’s dance troupeTahitian dancing classOur Musicians – The music is fast and rhythmic. You can see that the drummers stand on a stool to be high enough to play those drums.
Marquesian Dancers – amazing bird dance with incredible tattoos.Marquesian Dancing – so fluid and all the dances tell a story.
So the Polynesian night is definitely a night to remember. The flower crowns alone made us feel like we were in Paradise. If you go on the Aranui, join in. Don’t hold back.
The Aranui 5 is 126 metres long or about 413 feet. The harbour of Vaipaee on the island of Ua Huka is about 50 metres wider than Aranui is long. Docking a ship in these conditions is not for the faint of heart. The Aranui crew put on a complete spectacle for us, bringing their best game to dock in Vaipaee.
Approaching Vaipaee
Heading into the narrow bay, Aranui drops the anchor then pivots 180 degrees bringing the stern into place.
Barge being lowered to act as a bow thruster
The barge is in place and the long boats with the shore crew are in the water, taking the stern lines to the headlands either side of the bay. The waves are substantial enough that the men might take more than one attempt to jump ashore.
Getting stern lines out has more to do with tying down a bucking bronco than a tying into a dock.
Stern lines
Disembarking the passengers is equally exciting. (No photos because of the roughness.) We were wearing wet shoes today because as you walk downstairs to the passenger barge, the water is spilling in up to your knees and the crew are lifting you in. Trust is the word. You stand in front of four or five muscular men who are gauging the thrust of the barge and waiting for the entrance to the barge to line up with the entrance of the ship. All you can do is trust them to get you on the barge intact and sit down immediately once you are on this bucking bronco. Oh, and keep your arms and hands inside the barge. This is an adrenalin start to your morning.
We go to a food producing Botanical Gardens and see orchards of citrus and breadfruit. We hear about native trees and also about how much food can be produced on the islands. Some items may have been introduced thousands of years ago with the first visitors.
The 4 x 4’s then take us to the Handicraft centre and Sea Museum in Hane Village. The models are rustically exquisite and the carvings are intricate.
Sea museum in Hane
After lunch, we hiked up to a meeting point and our guide told us the history of the people here. The views were spectacular over the coast.
This is the reason you hike up 1.5 miles
Ua Huka has miles of winding road, which you can see hugging the coastline. What you don’t see are the wild horses and goats that are often near the road. The goats are wild and harvested by locals for milk or meat. They are not indigenous animals but the locals are happy for the food source. Since the Aranui is the main avenue for supplies to arrive on the island, having a ready supply of dairy and meat seems more than reasonable.
Another vista on Ua Huka
I had one favourite view which I found just splendid and reminiscent of the California coastline.
Last photo, of the bargemen negotiating Aranui out of Vaipaee Bay. Discernible difference between Vaipaee Bay and Hokatu, isn’t there?