When you are planning for a trip like this, there is so much to consider, where to go, what to see and how to get there. We have a very open plan, inspired and informed by our Bucket list. In the 80’s, we went through a series of five year plans. Later we had a list of goals: personal, home and career; we have always had lists, especially shopping lists but now we rely on our Bucket List.
It’s the list of places we would like to visit, experiences of which to partake and adventures waiting in the wings for us. The Bucket list is as much about the developing the plan as it is about savouring the experience.
We were in Port St Louis last week gazing enviously at all the yachts there, and thinking of you both and your adventure. Enjoy every moment!
You are going to have such a lovely time! Can not wait to read all the instalments of your journey!
how wonderful to have lists with clear objectives and plans to reach them…a bucket list seems fabulous and in fact Peter and I have started one ourselves for travel but sadly at this moment it is only on the back of an envelope – you inspire me to get more organised – hae a great time!!
Bucket lists on the back of an envelope work just fine. No real rough plans as yet, keep in touch.